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Product design could be 3d printing oriented?

The answer is yes. Design for Craft has always worked as a partner of the companies providing support, advice and research with the clear objective to integrate the potential of 3D printing practices in design, production and marketing. Our recent works on product design, developed for two different clients; they are two case studies to understand how the digital manufactoring can change the way in which the products can be designed, manufactured and marketed. UR Independent Sound® was born as an experimental product between personal production and mass production, made for the italian brand Sinfoni. The concept behind it is the translation of a "Made in Italy" Hi-Fi system for cars into your Personal Home Hi-Fi with outstanding performance, integrated with LED lamps. The shape is inspired by the internal structure of a cactus, which is clearly an example of the uniqueness and not-replicability. This is a real opportunity to hypothesize the use of digital machines, in this case an FDM, for a whole production on demand of "unique pieces". Thanks to additive manufacturing we are able to create complex and always different shapes in a easy way, as well as achieve an effective reduction of the stock of production and of the waste in terms of environment resources and energy. Today the most critical problem for making products with a 3D printer is to have a final product instead of having a prototype. We demonstrate through UR Independent Sound® that, if we work properly with post-production treatments, an object created with a 3D printer can in effect turn into a real product. So we have coated with multiple metal layers the whole body through a process electrogalvanic, in this case using copper and gold with an astonishing final esthetic. However the product design made by DFC, goes further the way of an industrial production with classical technologies. It 'a typical example of hybridization between craft and industry through a proper product design and process engineering in relation to real production and market needs. The Mood® is a fashion accessory (patented) for the upcoming personal mobile market and developed for the new brand Mooders.  With Mood you can talk, chat and listen to music in a more easy, safe and healthy. Design for Craft has developed the product design from the earliest stages of the concept to the final engineering. The 3d printing has been used in the initial phase of the design for certain components, such as the buckle; they have...

3D Printing the “Uomo Vitruviano”

In Design for Craft we observe carefully the potential and the evolution of 3D printing. One of the scenarios where this technology can play an important role is in the cultural heritage communication in which the humanistic approach can be a valuable tool for knowledge (survey, conservation and restoration) and its disclosure thanks to digital reproduction's technologies. The traveling exhibition-show "Perfecto e Virtuale" offers the visitor the discovery of the Vitruvian Man in its deep and huge significance through new technological devices and innovative experiences. One of these experiences is the knowledge of the Vitruvian Man as an object in its three dimensions thanks to the techniques of digital prototyping. Design for Craft is one of the technological partners of the exhibition; we'll show a three-dimensional model of huge definition and descriptive accuracy achieved with the technique of laser stereolithography (SLA). This 3D model has been manufactured thanks to the construction of an high detailed 3D virtual model (by Fabio Severini), based on the deep and accurate scan of the original document of Leonardo, acquired (for the first time) in High Resolution. In addition we'll perform a live 3D print session thanks to an high end FDM 3D printer (Delta Wasp): you'll see truly the Vitruvian Man rising up in front of you. ...


Le piccole imprese possono adottare con successo i nuovi processi produttivi della digital manufacturing. La possibilità di prototipare facilmente, di effettuare piccole produzioni on demand, di passare in velocità da oggetti fisici a modelli digitali tridimensionali sono vantaggi facilmente accessibili che possono aiutare a contrarre costi, servire nuovi mercati, innovare prodotti e servizi. Il workshop, organizzato in collaborazione con Confartigianato Macerata, si terrà all'Hotel Cosmopolitan di Civitanova Marche il 10 dicembre 2014 a partire dalle ore 10am, avrà durata di 3 ore e aiuterà i partecipanti a orientarsi tra le diverse opzioni tecnologiche, adeguando le capacità produttive dell’impresa in modo coerente ed efficace. In particolare potrete conoscere: Le principali tecnologie per la digital manufacturing che una PMI può utilizzare: stereolitografia, sinterizzazione e filamento; Il processo con cui poter produrre un oggetto digitalmente a partire da un modello fisico; Le competenze che è necessario avere per adottare la digital manufacturing; Quali sono i principali materiali utilizzabili con la stampa 3D oggi.  Il costo del workshop è di 48 € iva inclusa da versare a mezzo bonifico bancario con causale "workshop 10 dicembre" e intestato a Design for Craft S.r.l.s, IBAN IT32O0849113400000120101352  Per essere iscritti è necessario: inviare la ricevuta del bonifico per e-mail all’indirizzo info@designforcraft.com indicando il proprio nome; riempire il Modulo di Iscrizione sottostante:   [contact-form subject='Iscrizione Workshop 10 dicembre'][contact-field label='Nome' type='name' required='1'/][contact-field label='E-mail' type='email' required='1'/][contact-field label='Sito web' type='url'/][contact-field label='eventuali domande' type='textarea'/][/contact-form] Se vuoi ricevere ulteriori informazioni al riguardo contattaci.  ...

Re-thinking PLA

In the last months, we showed you the PLA HS (High Strenght). Today we return to talk about it because we have made ​​a lot of prints and further test; the results are truly remarkable, even beyond our expectations. The PLA is the main material for FDM desktop printers  because it has features particularly suited to the mode of the additive manufacturing. Over the years, the demand for this material for the market of 3D printing has increased and today its evolutions are expected. Having this in mind, we decided to improve its performances and so we loaded it with mineral powders; the result is this PLA HS (that means High Strength). Our PLA HS has the same ease of printing of PLA standard, commonly available on the market but with many plus! It's much more resistant to bending and torsion's stress. The pieces that we have printed are really sturdy and hold up well even when heavy used. It has a higher resistance to high temperatures and is less hygroscopic. This translates into a greater durability of the molded parts and greater reliability and stability of the filaments regards of the environmental agents. It’s easy to get well defined prints because it is much less sensitive to warping and it doesn't require the hot bed. The only difference with standard PLA is the melt temperature, between 200°C and 210°C. In short, this is a considerable step forward in the search for materials designed specifically for 3D printing filament. The PLA HS is available in the format 3mm Stick Filament in our e-Shop. ...


On July 18, was held in Marzocca (on the Adriatic coast of Italy), the fourth edition of the "Demanio Marittimo", a one-night of culture under the stars at the seaside in which architects, designers, creatives and enthusiasts gather to discuss until 'dawn. Design for Craft was a guest with Denis Santachiara and Ronen Kadushin; we entertained the audience with some interesting news of 3D printing. Our speech, in particular, has been centered on the new research scenarios that open in the contact between architecture and technologies of "cold extrusion" in 3d printing. ...

MAKE K-IT: a new event’s format for our 3D Hubs meetings

Yes, we think global and we act local. Now we introduce a new event's format:  MAKE K-IT, "Make your personal factory". We'll try to spread the maker's culture through workshops for the construction of machines and instruments useful to develop innovative ideas and projects. These events will be held with the collaboration of the main 3d printer's producers in Italy. The first workshop will be held in Jesi, near the SAS (Studio for Arts Press, via Valle 3), the 21 th June from 10 to 18:30. The key-player of this first day will be the KIWI-3D printer, produced by SHAREBOT, a leading company in Italy for printers 3D. KIWI-3D is designed specifically for FabLabs, workshops and geeks.    ...

Oh, yes! We have been copied.

We are a small company and we know that our Stick Filaments are an interesting product for the world of FFF 3d printing but we've been really surprised when we have seen this two web links: here and here. In this web pages you can see plastic filaments for 3d printing called "Stick Filament"! One of them use a font and a color very similar to our logo. We are proud that someone have decided to copy our work and our brand but, please, be aware: you can find the original Stick Filament only in the site WWW.STICKFILAMENT.COM...

The FAbLab Pack

              In the past months we held many workshops and presentations in many FabLab all over Italy, we met lots of new wonderful friends and makers. Lots of them are asking us to try Stick Filament; they're really excited about the new materials that we can provide in this format. We actually try to support open source research and, according with our resources, we thought to mix up some Stick Filaments just for them. If you are a Fab Lab now you can request our FabLab Pack; write us (please, use an email with your FabLab's own domain) and you'll get it for testing our innovations at a very special price.   ...

PLA High Strenght

The PLA is the most widely used material for 3D printing FFF all over the world. Its greatest value is, in our opinion, the ease with which it allows to get good printing results. However, it's not definitely considered one of the best plastic materials to create objects and products ...